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Üphoric Urth Üphoric Urth

Recipes for Ritual

Calming Lavender Vanilla Milk Latte


½ cup hot filtered water
2/3 cup hot unsweetened coconut milk
3 dropperfuls (3mL) Reishi tincture
1 tsp culinary grade lavender buds
½ vanilla bean
1 tsp raw local honey

Using a tea infuser basket, steep the lavender in hot water for 5 minutes. (Save a tiny pinch of lavender for the garnish at the end.) If you don’t have a tea infuser, steep the lavender directly in boiling water, then filter out the leaves using a fine mesh strainer. Split the vanilla bean pod open, and scrape ½ of all the seeds out. Once the lavender is steeped, place the strained lavender liquid, the vanilla bean seeds, and all the remaining ingredients (aside from the lavender garnish) in a high-speed blender. Blend ingredients on high for 30 seconds and serve hot. Garnish with a sprinkle of dried lavender on top.

Tip: Real vanilla bean adds rich, decadent flavor. Worth the effort!