The Üphoric Approach — Clean and Simple.
Powered by Fungi.
Whether you are here to boost your daily physical and cognitive performance, or you are in search of a holistic approach to healing, mushrooms can provide a deeper enrichment of daily wellbeing. We philosophically feel the body becomes the beneficiary of thousands of years of herbal wisdom, with mother nature to thank.

The Scenic Route.
We prefer to source mushroom fruiting bodies for our liquid products. We do acknowledge whole-heartedly that that entire fungi organism is beneficial, but for now our method is to work with exclusively with the fruiting bodies for our tinctures.

On that Note —
Fruiting Bodies.
The fruiting body is the blooming umbrella part of the organism that pops out of the ground. The other part of the fungal organism is the mycelium, which is the root structure of the mushroom beneath the ground. Both are beneficial, but we like to work with the fruiting body for our tinctures.

What's the difference?
Think of the fruiting body like an apple tree bearing fruit, and the mcyelium like it’s root structure under ground. Mycelium-based products can end up inseparable from the substrate on which they are grown such as grain. This is why we use the fruiting body part of the organism.

The Liquid Process
There are many ways to enjoy functional mushrooms, but here are a few reasons why we like liquids.
Liquids take only several minutes to absorb, whereas solids/powders can take up to 30 minutes.
A double extraction method (using water and alcohol) helps to extract more beneficial compounds from the herbal material than a single extraction process.
Liquids can be easily added to any drink/soup/sauce, including water, while powders can be chunky, clumpy, and grainy.